Party, babe, phew!! Dance..?? Ok! Sweeeet!! Foxy, sexy, hot, drinks, chat, wit, proposition, coat, door, cab, mine? yours?
Home, music, candles, couch, smooch, tremble, heat, naked, door???? Wife!! SH*T!!
here's mine:.
i've fallen down many times, but i've always managed to arise.. i know the day is coming when i will fall down and stay down until someone lifts me.. sylvia.
Party, babe, phew!! Dance..?? Ok! Sweeeet!! Foxy, sexy, hot, drinks, chat, wit, proposition, coat, door, cab, mine? yours?
Home, music, candles, couch, smooch, tremble, heat, naked, door???? Wife!! SH*T!!
to control a person, or control a group of people , any cult , including jehovah's witnesses , have to gain your trust that they are the authority on what you need to know.
even people have been known to use these " catch phrases " to gain trust , or " hook lines " as you'd call them to gain control over groups of people or individually in their own lives.
see if you are familiar with these phrases which empower the sender of the phrase , but demands rapt allegiance from listeners to be the " gospel truth " without challenge , which can take the listeners power away.
Marry me...
thought you'd never ask.....
well it's been about 2 to 3 months since i did a thread like this , so how have you all been doing in life?
relax , pull up a chair and your favorite cocktail , and tell me your problems - or at least how life is treating you.
we can make this a humorous thread or it can be serious , it's up to you.
People are always trying to pull me down but I don't feel safe on the ground and always try to escape them and get away.
That would make a great lyric for a song Maddie….
here's a link to the bittorrent file:.
file is 311mb in size and .rar format, extract the files using a program like winrar then either burn the contents to cd or install it directly to your hard drive.. uploading file itself to megaupload, will post link when availible.
Many thanks bringen. Downloaded sweetly enough.
Great info and tips Atlantis.
Now I can read all of last years bullsh*t.
i've been a jw all my life and am thoroughly convinced this is the truth.
but there is one thing that i just don't understand.
many jw's believe that people who get resurrected in the new system will not get married.
Gopher,My question would then be -- if Jehovah can read hearts and decide whether someone is worthy of death at Armageddon, what would be the purpose of the preaching work being done by the Witnesses now? If people who aren't being preached to can be saved because of a good heart condition, then in reality there's no need to preach to them.
So the fact that the organization keeps the witnessing work going seems to lend credence to the understanding that people who aren't reached with the good news are in mortal danger, and cannot be saved just because of a good heart condition.
very good point................
I suppose the point would be, not so much the effectiveness of the preaching work, as it would be evidence that despite all the odds, there would be a people who are being true to Jehovah. The witness would not be what they are saying to the people, or how many hear, as much as what it would be saying to the heavenly court, as in what was happening to Job.
I am sure that is what a JW would tell you…
to control a person, or control a group of people , any cult , including jehovah's witnesses , have to gain your trust that they are the authority on what you need to know.
even people have been known to use these " catch phrases " to gain trust , or " hook lines " as you'd call them to gain control over groups of people or individually in their own lives.
see if you are familiar with these phrases which empower the sender of the phrase , but demands rapt allegiance from listeners to be the " gospel truth " without challenge , which can take the listeners power away.
Here’s one that I actually got a reply to. Talking on the phone the day before yesterda to a JW who’s been calling on my dad……
After informing him that the society is corrupt, and a little more debate, he said the classic:-
"Well Mr.M, if you want to throw away your everlasting life, there is nothing I can do"
My instant reply was:-
"I’m not throwing away anymore life than I have already, and so are you if you only but knew it".
Felt good…..
well it's been about 2 to 3 months since i did a thread like this , so how have you all been doing in life?
relax , pull up a chair and your favorite cocktail , and tell me your problems - or at least how life is treating you.
we can make this a humorous thread or it can be serious , it's up to you.
Hi Flipper,
My question is what to do when you look into every conceivable idea, theory, belief, faith, philosophy, and find that behind every one of them there are huge holes that will in one way or another disprove its truth?
Hope you are well.
i've been a jw all my life and am thoroughly convinced this is the truth.
but there is one thing that i just don't understand.
many jw's believe that people who get resurrected in the new system will not get married.
Hi Nemail,
Don’t get put off by folk. You stick to your guns.
Don’t know about everybody else, but if you read the scripture it is not just those resurrected that don’t get married.
Jesus said to them: "The children of this system of things marry and are given in marriage, 35 but those who have been counted worthy of gaining that system of things and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage.It also includes those that are "counted worthy". Don’t know what that means but it could be that even if you make it through the big "A" you might not be eligible for marriage. So those that are waiting till that time to get married might not be able to even then. I sure that this has come up on a thread at some point but I used to get really pissed off thinking about this.
hi mates.
i would be interested in hearing from our british brethren regarding this video op-ed.
thank you.
I think that this chap needs to pipe down a little and spend some more time in the garden, maybe with a cup of tea, what…!!!
I think that there are a few people that feel the same as this guy does. The Brits are the best complainers in the world (yes, we are actually good at something). If the video would have kept going he would have gone on an extra hour about the "bloody weather".
What annoys me about people like him is how easily he is forgetting how many places that the British Empire invaded and did far worse than what he is accusing the Islamic lot of doing. All over the world we forced not only our religion but also our culture and killed millions even if they did comply. And we took so much from them. But when it happens to us then that is "not very sporting of them". Europe has so much blood guilt for what it has done all over the world. Just look at the Americas for example. The Spanish, Portuguese, British, the Dutch, the French to name a few, all of them very murderous.
Not that it takes away the underlying point that this chap is making. But some perspective is needed….
Bet you all love the accent over the pond. Just the most charming racist…
i'm canadian but i still just can't wrap my head around being 188 centimeters tall and 111 kilograms!.
sorry: i'm 6' tall and 245 pounds!.
I have used both systems. Being a precision engineer, and old school at that, I had to get used to the old imperial system. I was taught metric at school and so I don’t find it too difficult to go between the two.
But I must say that the one that makes most sense is the metric. Fractions are much easier to calculate when you are dealing with divisions of 10. When you have divisions of 12 or 14 or 16, when you come to work out percentages of them you will need to sit down and work them out, if you are not familiar with those division systems. For example, if you want to work out 62.561% of 12 (as in feet and inches) you have to go and get your calculator, or at least I do. A meter is easy because it is also a division of 10 as is a percentage, the same as decimals.
Also working out decimals of fractions, like 27/64 of an inch, that is not as easy as the metric system.
I just hate that it was a French guy that invented it.
I thought that you in the USA did convert at one point and then quickly went back again….???
I’m sure I read that somewhere.
Just re-read the above. What kind of a nerd do I sound like…??? I’ve got to get out more. Too much time on JWD…